
Just like Nona used to make. Probably. I have no idea to be honest. This here is a very quick, from scratch cannelloni. No need for a pasta machine. Just a rolling pin, a dust cloud of flour and a pair of biceps. Get them guns out Nona!  

If you’re feeling clever you can make the sauce while cooking the filling while the dough is resting. You risk lumpy sauce, but I’m happy to gamble that to finish dinner in under half an hour!  

If you’re feeling extra smarty pants and want to make the tomato sauce as well, check out Noemie’s Sugu al basilico recipe on the Streamside website, it's with the flatbread recipe. Delizioso!  


Pasta dough  

140g flour 

75ml water 

1TB olive oil 

Flour for dusting 


Knead together until a smooth dough is formed. The dough should be slightly softer than a traditional pasta. Cover, and rest in fridge for 30 minutes. 


White sauce 

3TB butter or Olivani  

¼ C plain flour 

2 C milk (soy sub) 

4TB parmesan (Angel foods for dairy free) 

2TB nutritional yeast (optional) 

1 tsp garlic powder 

1 tsp salt 

½ tsp onion powder 


Chopped parsley to finish 


1)Melt your butter in a small pot. Add your flour and cook out stirring continuously. This will take a few minutes.  

2)Start adding your milk slowly, incorporating a little at a time. This avoids those clumps and lumps. As each addition of milk becomes smooth, add some more.  

3)Once all the milk is in add the rest of the ingredients and stir in. Taste for seasoning and adjust consistency with extra milk if necessary.  


Cannelloni filling 

1 onion 

4 cloves garlic 

10 Swiss brown mushrooms 

1 carrot 

1 head of silver beet 

Chopped parsley to finish 

2 TB olive oil 

Salt and pepper 


1)Heat your pan and oil while you chop your vege.  

2)Caramelize your onions, add the mushrooms, carrots and silver beet stalks. Cook until softened. 

3)Add the silver beet leaf, garlic and parsley, then season. Cook for a further 2 minutes then stir through half of your white sauce. 



Putting it all together! 


2 TB parmesan 

Tomato paste or pasta sauce (I use store bought. Keepin’ it simple!) 

Parsley to top 


1) Cut your dough into 6 squares. Flour your board and roll the dough into a 10cm X 10cm square. Remember to turn the dough as you roll to get an even shape. 

2) Spoon filling into the middle of the square and roll the cannelloni.  

3)Place your tubes in a high sided baking dish and top with pasta sauce or tomato puree and the remaining white sauce. Sprinkle with parsley. 

4) Add ¼ C water to the bottom of your baking dish. This will steam off and keep the cannelloni soft. Bake for 25 – 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Voila! 

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