


Step 1 

1 Chinese cabbage 

1/4 cup of salt 

Step 2 

1 C water 

1 tbsp rice or sweet rice flour (better to use sweet rice or glutinous rice flour) 

1 tbsp sugar (white or raw) 

Step 3 

3 spring onions 

1 small daikon 

1 carrot 

6 to 8 garlic cloves 

1 inch ginger 

1/4 cup fish sauce (use vegan fish sauce or soy sauce for plant based option) 

1 cup gochugaru (korean chilli powder) ½ cup for less kick 



Step 1 

Cut cabbage in half length ways then in half again. You can keep the cabbage this size or roughly chop it into bite size bits. 

In a large bowl or bucket, place the cabbage and pour some water so the cabbage is about half submerged. Wet all the leaves then sprinkle salt all around and massage it all over the cabbage. Try to get in between leaves, as it’s important that the cabbage is covered with salt). leave cabbage in bowl for at least 2 hours, turning it over every half hour. 


Step 2 

While the cabbage is resting in the salty bath, prepare the rice paste. 

in a small pot over medium, mix the water and sweet rice flour and cook until it starts bubbling, mixing often. add sugar and cook a wee bit longer, stirring. 

Leave to cool. 


Step 3 

Grate the ginger and garlic. You can either slice the spring onions, carrot and daikon or cut them matchstick size. Place all in a large bowl.  

Combine the cooled rice porridge, the fish (or soy) sauce and the chilli powder. Mix well until a paste forms. 

Add to the veggies and mix well. 


Step 4 

Rinse cabbage of salt water and drain well. Combine cabbage with the vege/paste mix, working the kimchi paste all over the cabbage. Push firmly into a sterilised jar or container allowing the liquid to rise and cover the vege. Leave to ferment at room temperature for a few days. 

Make sure to check it morning and night and to press down with a spoon to the release air (Burp the baby kimchi) and make sure it doesn't dry out on the top. Add some extra water and salt if the water level isn't high enough. 

You will know when it starts to ferment, (after about a day or two depending on the temperature of your house), that sour smell cannot be missed! After 3 or 4 days you can place your kimchi in the fridge, with a lid on. This will slow down the fermenting process... Kimchi!


Chinese Cabbage recipe ideas


Korean bibimbap -

A great dish to try with your kimchi, which is a traditional side served all over Korea.


Pao Cai - Everyone knows Kimchi these days, so if you're looking for something a little different here's a simple version of the Chinese fermented cabbage to try


Dumplings, oh dumplings! When Noemie see's Chinese cabbage in the vegebox she knows exactly what's happening to it.


Roasted Wombok with sesame dressing

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