Meet the Team

Farmer, fixer of all things broken, co-founder Logan, who is rarely anywhere without his radio earmuffs, is one of the veteran vegetable farmers in our midst. He manages a number...
Farmer, fixer of all things broken, co-founder Logan, who is rarely anywhere without his radio earmuffs, is one of the veteran vegetable farmers in our midst. He manages a number...

Farmer, Co-founder, Behind the Scenes Organiser Dominique is the human version of a Swiss army knife; not only does she manage a lot of the farm processes from behind the desk;...
Farmer, Co-founder, Behind the Scenes Organiser Dominique is the human version of a Swiss army knife; not only does she manage a lot of the farm processes from behind the desk;...

Farm Crew, Pack-Shed Helper Lucy is one of the OG Streamside crew members - she has stuck out many a cold winter and toasty summer here on the farm. More...
Farm Crew, Pack-Shed Helper Lucy is one of the OG Streamside crew members - she has stuck out many a cold winter and toasty summer here on the farm. More...

Farm crew, transplanting fanatic, and lover of odd shaped vegetables Paige, as well as being a great harvester, acts as the team locator beacon. Her laugh can be heard from...
Farm crew, transplanting fanatic, and lover of odd shaped vegetables Paige, as well as being a great harvester, acts as the team locator beacon. Her laugh can be heard from...

Harvest team leader, aficionado of all forms of fauna and flora Undoubtedly the most enthusiastic bubbly personality on the farm, Maria not only does an amazing job harvesting our delicious...
Harvest team leader, aficionado of all forms of fauna and flora Undoubtedly the most enthusiastic bubbly personality on the farm, Maria not only does an amazing job harvesting our delicious...