Meet the Team

One does not get more kind-hearted, sweet, funny and bubbly than Eva - she is a veritable angel! Even looking at her cheerful face is enough to raise morale, not...
One does not get more kind-hearted, sweet, funny and bubbly than Eva - she is a veritable angel! Even looking at her cheerful face is enough to raise morale, not...

Jess Farmers Market Assistant, Farm Crew Should you ever attend the South Christchurch farmers market, even sometimes the Riccarton Deans Bush market, you are very likely to come across...
Jess Farmers Market Assistant, Farm Crew Should you ever attend the South Christchurch farmers market, even sometimes the Riccarton Deans Bush market, you are very likely to come across...

Seamus The Office Man Possibly one of the greatest all-rounders here on the farm, Seamus joined the team like the rest of us: as a humble harvest assistant. Not too...
Seamus The Office Man Possibly one of the greatest all-rounders here on the farm, Seamus joined the team like the rest of us: as a humble harvest assistant. Not too...

Farmers Market Assistant Briar has organics in her blood, being the sister of Dominique she has seen the process from the start and has had the opportunity to be the...
Farmers Market Assistant Briar has organics in her blood, being the sister of Dominique she has seen the process from the start and has had the opportunity to be the...

Wash Pad Pro Angus has been a key player in equalising the gender ratio here on the farm. Not only useful for his superior strength, Angus is a machine out...
Wash Pad Pro Angus has been a key player in equalising the gender ratio here on the farm. Not only useful for his superior strength, Angus is a machine out...

Introducing the other Schacherer, Dominique’s brother, who has made himself invaluable as our jack-of-all-trades: he helped construct our greenhouses; manages most of the weeding of our spring crops that includes...
Introducing the other Schacherer, Dominique’s brother, who has made himself invaluable as our jack-of-all-trades: he helped construct our greenhouses; manages most of the weeding of our spring crops that includes...